About Don Roberts - Email Opt-in Marketing Strategies

About Optins.net & Don Roberts


Find out about Don Roberts and the strategies he uses & teaches on Optins.net to create profitable email & chatbot marketing lists with targeted, responsive subscribers.

About Optins.net

“Just find out what successful people do and do the same things until you get the same results.”
~ Brian Tracy (International Success Coach and Best Selling Author)

The purpose of the Optins.net website is to share proven email marketing strategies, tools, and tips to Internet marketers and affiliate marketers. The intention is to provide you with the knowledge of the best practices on what works in list-building to help you build targeted & responsive email subscribers lists, as well as chatbot subscriber lists.

Optins.net does not recommend products, services, or email marketing training courses just for the sake of earning an affiliate commission. The recommendations from this site are for the things I feel provide great value in email opt-in marketing.


Don Roberts

Don Roberts is a certified Email Marketing Specialist (EPC Institute). He is also a certified Sales Partner (Sales Partners Worldwide), as well as a certified Local Marketing Consultant (Marketing Mastery Association) and a certified Professional Internet Marketer (SEO in Practice). Additionally, Don is a skilled multi-channel marketing specialist in the fields of Facebook marketing, chatbot marketing, video marketing, and affiliate marketing.

What To Do Now...

"The most successful people fail 9 times out of 10. But, that 10th time more than makes up for the 9 failures." ~ Robert Kiyosaki

The best way to fail is to do nothing. Check-out the articles and recommendations on this site. One of the best things I believe you can do is to just get started. Take massive, imperfect action. Then, refine what you're doing. Then, refine it again. Keep doing that over time. Learn from your mistakes, and feed that knowledge back into your process.

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